Stephanie Collins

Stephanie began her journey as a bodyworker in pursuit of her passion for people, plants, and culture. After spending over 14 years living and traveling in Latin America and completing a Masters degree in Ethnobotany in the United Kingdom, Stephanie was introduced to the world of massage through a modern adaptation to a traditional Maya system of healing. On completing her first abdominal therapy self-care class, she dropped everything, moved to the Yucatan, and began searching for the answers to the stream of questions that came from exploring this new direction. With every answer she found, a well of questions formed. In order to better understand and fully pursue this calling, she realized that she would have to get her massage therapy certification. Shortly after beginning that program, Stephanie fell in love with massage and the body-mind-spirit continuum as a vast universe that would take lifetimes to explore.
Stephanie is currently a practicing certified massage therapist, student herbalist, and continues to travel to the people and places that helped shape who she is today. She is currently working towards her certifications with the Abdominal Therapy Collective (ATC).
Her passion for bodywork inspired Stephanie to become a teacher to share what her teachers gifted to her, to offer her unique life’s experience, and to continue to learn with the diverse bodywork community. She has worked with local organizations, like Street Level Health Project in Oakland, to support individuals in need of therapeutic touch and dreams of expanding that to a much wider reach.
In her personal time she enjoys yoga, hiking mountains, and soaking in nature. Resting up against a redwood is one of her favorite ways to decompress and recharge.