• “The rent would be $135/ full day per month (ex: for all Wednesdays per month) or $400 per month for all three days per month + a security deposit.”
    • “I recently moved into a new practice space in Soquel (Santa Cruz County) and I won’t be using the room on Wednesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays. I am looking for another practitioner who might like to rent the room on those days.
    • It’s a beautiful space and a great place to get business from referrals! There are 5 rooms total and the 4 other practitioners are: two estheticians, one woman who does natural teeth whitening and another woman who does eyelash extensions.
    • We all use the same scheduling platform and are listed on the Luna Beauty website (although I also maintain my own website for my business).
    • From this link you can see the location and the schedulista scheduling platform: http://lunabeautyskincare.com/
    • “Not necessary but I was thinking it would be really nice to expand the offerings available at this location so perhaps someone who offers craniosacral, shiatsu, acupressure…”
  • Any other details you’d like to share?
    • “The room is furnished so the security deposit will be greater than 1x the rent – TBD.
      Furnishings include massage table, table pad, table warmer, stool for both practitioner and client, hepa air filter, fan, clock, bluetooth speaker, small trash can, a few decorations.
      You would provide your own sheets, oil/lotion, and be responsible for tidying/ sanitizing the room at the end of your work day.
      Thank you!!”