Tui Na Reflexology

The objective of this 24-hour class is to teach students how to combine reflexology with acupressure in order to support the body while working locally in the feet, hands and ears. Students will learn to map, assess, and massage reflexes and meridian points in the hand and foot, as well as the ear. Students will also learn to locate and use the 10 zones of reflexology in a session.

Required Book(s): 

Prerequisite(s):  None

Course Hours:  24

Tuition:  $440.00

Nonrefundable Deposit:  $50.00

Class Dates and Times:

Course Title Start Date End Date Days/Times
Tui Na Reflexology 11/6/2021 11/13/2021 Sat/Sun (9a-6p)  *Nov 6, 7, 13

Payment Options: