Trigger Point

Trigger Points are defined by Dr. Janet Travell as “highly irritable localized spots of exquisite tenderness in a nodule in a palpable taut band of muscle tissue.” Trigger Points can cause referred pain, burning, tingling or numbness throughout the body. In this class, students will learn the techniques for locating and treating these tender spots in order to give their clients relief from pain, better circulation to affected areas and better muscle performance and range.

Recommended Textbook: The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief by Clair Davies

Prerequisite(s): Deep Tissue Applications – 64 hrs

Course Hours: 16

Tuition: $355

Nonrefundable Deposit: $50

Class Dates & Times:

Course Title Start Date End Date Days/Times
Trigger Point 6/16/2024 6/23/2024 Sundays (9a-6p)

Payment Options: