
This 24-hour Refexology class explores the refexes of the feet, hands, & ears, and their relationship to corresponding parts of the body. The student learns to use refexology as a tool to help release tension and aid the body in fnding its own equilibrium. Refexology is one of the most relaxing and therapeutic modalities in the world of bodywork. The objective of this course is to introduce the students to the concepts and practice of refexology as the powerful healing art it has been proven to be.

Required Text(s): Reflexology (Idiot’s Guide) by Bill Flocco

Prerequisite(s): None

Course Hours: 24

Tuition: $495

Nonrefundable Deposit: $50

Class Dates & Times:

Course Title Start Date End Date Days/Times
Reflexology 1/19/2024 1/21/2024 Fri-Sun (9a-6p)
Reflexology 7/18/2024 7/20/2024 Thurs-Sat (9a-6p)

Payment Options: