Myofascial Cupping

This 16-hour workshop introduces students to Cupping. Students will learn to assess when to use cups, to gauge the appropriate strength and duration of the application of cups, and basic cupping techniques such as suction, twisting and sliding. Cupping creates a negative pressure suction over Trigger Points; breaking up the adhesions, using static and dynamic approaches.

Required Book(s): None

Prerequisite(s): Swedish Massage Foundations (100 hrs) or equivalent

Course Hours: 16

Tuition: $395

Nonrefundable Deposit: $50

Class Dates & Times:

Course Title Start Date End Date Days/Times
Myofascial Cupping 2/8/2024 2/29/2024 Thursday afternoons (2-6p)
Myofascial Cupping 4/9/2024 4/18/2024 T/Th mornings (9a-1p)
Myofascial Cupping 8/6/2024 8/15/2024 T/Th mornings (9a-1p)

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