Lymph Drainage Self-Massage

This workshop includes the anatomy & physiology of the Lymphatic System, its importance & role in our overall health, reasons why the system may become sick or stagnant, and how to care for it. By the end of the workshop, we will clear all the lymph nodes throughout the body, as well as all the lymphatic tissues in our neck & head. We will also discuss long term maintenance, as well as learn movements & release work that can keep this system running efficiently.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a safe and gentle modality for most people, however there are a few situations in which it’s not appropriate or needs modification. MLD is contraindicated for the following conditions:

  • Organ Failure, including heart, liver or kidney; Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and those at high risk of clots and/or stroke; COPD/Emphysema; Lymphoma and metastatic cancer.
  • For those with asthma, care should be taken to monitor breathing and having an inhaler on hand is recommended. Do not attempt to perform MLD if asthma is not under control.
  • For those with Lymphedema, it is necessary to consult with a doctor or Complete Decongestive Therapist before performing MLD. While MLD can be very helpful in the treatment of Lymphedema, this workshop may not be appropriate due to the necessity for individualized treatment.
  • When an acute infection is present, MLD is contraindicated & should be avoided until the symptoms have cleared. Symptoms/conditions may include fever, flu, colds, sore throat, rashes that are red and warm to the touch, etc.
  • In some cases MLD can elicit an immune response, causing temporary but uncomfortable symptoms. Participants should proceed thoughtfully and discuss concerns with their doctor and the workshop instructor prior to performing MLD on themselves.
  • This workshop does not replace the guidance of a medical doctor and that it is recommended that all participants consult their medical professional before participating in/performing any of the methods discussed in this MLD workshop.

Required Textbook(s):

Prerequisite(s): None

Course Hours: 8

Tuition: $195

Nonrefundable Deposit: $50

Class Dates & Times:

Course Title Start Date End Date Day/Times
Lymph Drainage Self-Massage 5/1/2024 5/8/2024 Wednesday evenings (6-10p)

Payment Options: