Just… Series: Midsection and Diaphragm

The “Just…” series focuses on an in-depth exploration of the anatomy of specific body regions, as well as effective techniques and proper body mechanics for working in these regions. The goal will be to deepen your understanding of the musculature and function of these areas and the individual parts and mechanics associated, in addition to common ailments and manual techniques for relieving discomfort and increasing function.

Anatomy will be covered thoroughly with the use of books, a skeleton, and manual palpation. Higher-level techniques that borrow from deep tissue, trigger point therapy, and myofascial release will be covered while maintaining a constant focus on proper body mechanics; so that you can apply the techniques with ease and do them for years!

Our “Just…” series classes are taught by “The Massage Professor” – Jason Garcia! {www.themassageprofessor.com}

Required Book(s):  None

Prerequisite(s):  Anatomy & Physiology: Human Structure & Movement AND Deep Tissue Applications or equivalent

Course Hours:  8

Tuition:  $185.00

Nonrefundable Deposit:  $50.00

Class Dates and Times:

Course Title Start Date End Date Days/Times
Just… Series: Midsection and Diaphragm

Payment Options: