Acupressure is an ancient system of healing from China. It is a system that addresses the Qi or life-energy of the body, using specific points along the meridians to open & maintain the flow of energy and encourage physical, emotional, & mental balance. The objective of this basic 64-hour course is to give students hands-on experience feeling & working with Qi. Students will learn how the meridians & points can increase balance and how the combination of pressure techniques can help to alleviate common symptoms. The course will prepare students to incorporate Acupressure into their practice and to apply acupressure concepts to themselves for self-care.
Required Book(s): McKinnon Acupressure Manual
Prerequisite(s): None
Course Hours: 64
Tuition: $1,025
Nonrefundable Deposit: $150
Class Dates and Times:
Course Title | Start Date | End Date | Days/Times |
Acupressure | 3/2/2025 | 4/27/2025 | Sundays 9a-6p *off 4/20 |
Acupressure | 7/15/2025 | 7/30/2025 | T/W/Th 9a-6p |
Acupressure | 9/3/2025 | 10/29/2025 | M/W 9a-1p *off 10/13 |