Swedish Massage Foundations

This basic 100-hour Swedish course involves techniques that consist of long muscle strokes on the skin, using lotion or oils. The work is done on a massage table. Numerous protocols for a full body massage are covered along with body usage/mechanics, contraindications, tailoring sessions, and many more techniques. In each class, you will observe the teacher demonstrate techniques, practice on a partner, and then receive a massage from your partner. This process of seeing, doing, and experiencing allows you to learn each technique “inside and out.” The objective of this course is to teach the mechanics and techniques, as well as philosophy and spirit of massage, and to prepare you for a career in the field of massage.

Required Book(s):

Prerequisite(s): None!

Course Hours: 100

Tuition: $1,695

Nonrefundable Deposit: $150

Class Dates and Times:

Course Title Start Date End Date Days/Times
Swedish Massage Foundations 6/23/2024 9/22/2024 Sundays (9a-6p)
Swedish Massage Foundations 9/10/2024 12/10/2024 T/Th evenings (6-10p)
*off 10/31, 11/28
Swedish Massage Foundations 9/14/2024 12/14/2024 Saturdays (9a-6p)
*off 11/30
Swedish Massage Foundations 10/16/2024 12/18/2024 MWF mornings (9a-1p)
*off 11/11, 11/27, 11/29

Payment Options